Step By Step

Step 1

Book Your Initial Consultation With Dr Daniel Lantsberg

Step 2

Dr Daniel Lantsberg is an expert in the field of fertility preservation and has a strong track record of helping women freeze their eggs and using frozen eggs to create successful pregnancies. During your initial consultation and investigations with Dr. Danie Lantsberg, he will take the time to get to know you better and understand your medical history and goals. Dr. Daniel Lantsberg considers this appointment to be of utmost importance and requires that it be conducted with him personally. Based on this information, he will arrange the necessary preliminary tests to determine your current fertility status and discuss your options for future planning. Dr Daniel Lantsberg will also take the time to explain every aspect of the egg-freezing process, ensuring that you are aware of all available fertility treatment options.

All consultations, scans and procedures are performed personally by Dr Daniel Lantsberg, unless he is on annual leave (or unforeseen circumstances) for which he will have a fertility specialist covering. Dr Daniel Lantsberg is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients, both in terms of the number of eggs collected per cycle and the overall treatment experience.

Step 3

Review appointment: will discuss the results of your fertility assessment. This will include results of your ovarian reserve testing as well as review routine antenatal screening test results. If these tests have been previously arranged by your GP, you can bring the results to your initial appointment. Dr Lantsberg will provide you with a personalised treatment plan as well as an estimated prediction of your expected outcome and success rates from egg freezing.

doctor tending patient
young female practitioner nurse working clinic reception desk
Step 4

You will have an introductory appointment with our amazing staff including a nurse appointment and a counselling session. These informative sessions will provide you with all the technical information required for the treatment, starting from who to call when you want to start, how to administer the medication and where to go for a blood test. Apart from Continuous contact with Dr Daniel Lantsberg, you will have a contact nurse to address any issues that may arise during your treatment.

Step 5

Hormonal Stimulation:

During the egg freezing process, you can resume your normal routine except for attending treatment monitoring appointments. The egg freezing cycle begins with hormonal stimulation for about10-12 days. The medications are self administered by a simple to use injection and a fine needle.

Three medications are required during an egg freezing cycle: follicle-stimulating hormone to help follicles and eggs grow, a GnRH antagonist to prevent ovulation before egg collection, and a trigger (GnRH agonist or recombinant hCG) to enable final egg maturation and collection.

For most women undergoing egg freezing, a GnRH antagonist cycle is the safest treatment option as it virtually eliminates complications from ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. However, individual circumstances may require a tailored approach for optimal results.

Dr Daniel Lantsberg will monitor your cycle progress using an ultrasound and blood tests which will require your attendance, usually 2-3 times within the 10-12 day periods. Scans are normally undertaken in the morning to allow minimal interruption of your daily routine. These assessments are aimed at timing the most accurate time to collect your eggs and provide you with updates of your progress throughout the process.

Step 6

Egg Collection

An egg collection in an egg freezing cycle is identical to how eggs are collected for IVF. When your follicles have grown >17mm in diameter, the time has come to collect your eggs. The procedure will be undertaken at East Melbourne Day surgery.

The surgical procedure known as OPU (Ovum Pick Up) or EPU (Egg Pick Up), is performed under ultrasound guidance while you are under sedation, which means you will be asleep, breathing on your own, but won’t feel anything. During the procedure, a fine needle is inserted through the vagina into the ovary to aspirate fluid from the follicles. The fluid is passed on o our Melbourne IVF scientists who are present in the operating theatre lab. Our scientists use a high-power microscope to locate your retrieved eggs.

Timing is crucial in IVF, and we understand the importance of having a skilled and reassuring doctor perform these critical procedures. Dr Daniel Lantsberg is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and ensuring that your egg collection is optimally timed based on your unique cycle and needs. Your successful outcome is above all else, and you can trust that Dr Lantsberg will always put you first.

After egg collection, the retrieved eggs are brought to the IVF laboratory where they undergo a careful assessment to determine their maturity level. If some eggs are found to be immature or degenerating, they are given additional time to mature or are deemed unsuitable for freezing. Typically, around 10% of the total number of eggs collected may fall into this category of immature or degenerating eggs that cannot be used for freezing.

Step 7

Freezing Eggs (Vitrification)

Vitrification is a highly advanced method for freezing eggs, with a remarkable success rate of over 85% of eggs surviving the freeze/warming process. Vitrification minimizes the risk of ice crystals forming within eggs while they are being frozen and warmed. To accomplish this, the egg is gently dehydrated, and then its water content is removed by immersing it in a series of cryoprotectant solutions.

The eggs are then immediately frozen by dipping them into liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -200 degrees Celsius. Once the eggs are vitrified and securely stored, they can remain frozen indefinitely until you decide to use them for pregnancy.

Sometimes you may focus solely on searching for the best fertility specialist, not knowing that a key factor to your future success using your frozen eggs is the fertility Lab in which they were frozen. Dr. Daniel Lantsberg takes pride in working with Melbourne IVF that has a record of making many babies form from frozen eggs. Not all fertility clinics have the same level of experience in the advanced techniques of vitrification as Melbourne IVF lead by one of the world’s leading scientists in the field of reproductive medicine, Australian Order recipient, Professor David Gardner. Together, we have been able to help thousands of patients become parents.

Step 8


You will need to take two days off for the egg collection day and possibly the day after to rest. You should avoid sexual activity during your egg freezing cycle and the week after to prevent unwanted pregnancy and injury to your ovaries, which may be enlarged due to the treatment. It is also advisable to avoid contact sports during this time as well.

Your period will typically arrive within 1-2 weeks after your cycle is completed, and its timing may differ from your regular cycle. If you plan to undergo multiple treatment cycles, it is recommended to take a break of at least one month in between cycles.

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